Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Client Case Study Chelsea Quint - When I Grow Up

Client Case Study Chelsea Quint - When I Grow Up Um, do you know that Ive coached hundreds of women since I started offering dream career guidance in 2008? And that these women are freakin rock stars, leaving soul-sucking jobs and traveling the world and launching creative, grown-up businesses and simply doing work that fits their lifestyle goals? Well ya do now and youll hear their stories firsthand in my  Client Case Studies series!  Chelsea Quint is such a badass,  about to hire her first employee just a year and change from getting her first client. She came to me a disgruntled Account Manager in PR, and now, she shines! Why did you decide to work with me, a creative career coach? Oh man, what a tough question to answer when now I know that my work with you went far far beyond my career and job transition!   I discovered you + your work through a podcast (thank you, Mavenly Co!), and was immediately taken with your energy. Just hearing your voice and stories already elevate me and shifted me into a state of dreaming + believing that felt amazing and truthfully, you were the first coach I really got to know. I signed up for your emails right away, and got to know you a bit better over a few months before I applied. As I remember it, I applied right before or after my birthday, when I’d spent hours and days chatting with my sister about how soul sucking my job was and how I desperately wanted to do something more. Something that gave me the feeling I got when I taught yoga classes. Well, the seed of coaching is a thing that people do had been planted months before, and my sister stoked that fire.   So, in early 2016, I decided I was going to quit my job and become a health coach and immediately pulled up your site and sent in a call request. Again your energy was a big draw and paired with the fact that you’d done the damn thing gave me this sense of yeah with this woman in my corner, I could do this.   I also knew that a BIG part of what I needed was help around my corporate job how to survive it while I got my biz up and running, and how to leave gracefully once I was ready to jump ship. Or possibly how to find another gig that would allow me to create my biz while paying my bills without going straight to burnout city. From what I knew about you, you were the woman to see for all of those needs. What were you doing work-wise when we started our sessions? Dying inside, painfully and obviously too dramatic?   I was an account manager at a public relations + advertising agency. And actually, when we started our sessions I was running the pr for’s first ever Super Bowl commercial which also happened to be our agency’s first ever work with a Super Bowl campaign. It was madness.   I loved the challenges, and I truly love some of the people I worked with. But the environment was catty, high stress and ultra competitive. I got emails about wearing lip gloss when certain clients were in office (as in I was expected to do my makeup and wear lipgloss for clients), and regularly had my outfits analyzed and approved before meetings or trips. Honestly, it bore a good bit of resemblance to the Devil Wears Prada. I was also working as a freelance marketer a bit, and teaching yoga.   What was your biggest takeaway from our time together? That I can do/make/be anything I want. Working with you helped me to take my dreaming to the next level, and simultaneously gave me the skills and structure to feel even more confident as I started my business.   Was there anything else you tried to do as a career between the time we stopped our sessions and what you do for work now? If so, how did it inform your current business? Ugh, unfortunately. I made a last minute, very desperate and fear-based decision to take a job as an assistant manger at our local lululemon store. And while the discount was great, the upsides ended there. I applied for and took the job because the closer I got to leaving my 9-5 job, the more terrified I was of letting my consistent salary go. And so I took a job that wasn’t a fit, and stayed for about three and a half months.   I learned that retail is NOT for me, I hate selling people shit (can I swear?) they don’t need, and that schedule freedom is a HUGE priority for me.   I also learned a lot more about the ways I will manage when I hire my first employee (soon!). I’d managed people at my PR  job, but discovered when working with my manager at lululemon that lack of communication and/or confidence can DESTROY a supervisor/supervisee relationship so so quickly. I’m not holding onto any ill will, but my manager was new and worked out a lot of growing pains during our time together.   Because of that, I’ve made it a priority to stay super clear on what activities in my biz I will eventually outsource, when/how those are done, and have kept resources so that I’ll easily be able to train someone. I also made it a priority to keep myself organized actually treating my biz like I’m running. 6-7 figure business, even when I first started bringing in $1-2k months. That mindset piece was big for me! Act like you’re a badass CEO, even when you feel like the tiniest baby fish! What would you tell someone now that was in your shoes when we first started working together? Whats your best tip to allow them to make a grown-up living doing what they love? The biggest thing I would tell them is to forget the rules and every time those pesky fear- based thoughts about the rules come up, to forget the rules again. Because the truth is, their desires are on their hearts and minds for a reason. And while yes, part of that reason may be I want to make a better living than I do at my day job, I’ve never run into anyone who wants to make a grown-up living doing what they love who is primarily motivated by the money. You’re feeling called to create or find their dream jobs because it’s what you’re in this world to do! Trust your intuition, trust that you’re here on purpose, and that you’re being guided to the experiences/tools/mentors that will help you get there. Whats on the horizon for your business? Wed love to hear about any upcoming offerings or goals! Oh my STARS there is so much good stuff coming!   Since I started my biz, I’ve expanded away from being strictly a health coach. I’ve helped people heal fibromyalgia naturally, eliminate panic attacks and anxiety-driven illnesses and gotten rid of chronic inflammation and acne issues which is all amazing but the truth of what I’m here to do is bigger than the health coach label really communicates. Something super important what you call yourself matters! I’ve had enough people come to me expecting a meal plan and for me to tell them when and how to workout and while I can do that, it’s not the best use of my skills. So, I’ve shifted into what I call spiritual health + happiness coaching we work with the physical body both your actual bod and the nervous system as well as mental, emotional and spiritual bodies to fine tune you to live your best life.   I have a small number of spots (3 max) in my  Radical Transformation VIP  experience, which is my signature program for a complete lifestyle overhaul. We go from unfulfilled, drained and low self esteem to radiant, worthiness-oozing flow. This is the main spot where I do the above work in a 1:1 I’m able to pull in and teach all of the tools + resources I have on my end and customize them for each individual client’s needs.   I’m also finishing up my first round of the Body Full(fillment) Project group program and had 12 incredible women experience some major self love, confidence, energy and body image shifts! This group program teaches the way I’ve been able to truly fall in love with ME and how from that place of deep, unconditional self love and acceptance I’ve been able to create so much of my dream life.   Im going to be expanding the course component a bit, and enrolling a new group in a few months.  The waitlist is open here. Want to work with me one-on-one like Chelsea? No-obligation applications are open  here  for an April start. Just 3 spots available!

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